Upcoming Events:
2024 to 2025
Location of Colkins Mill Church

Tuesday 19th March
AGM - Colkins Mill Church.
Doors open at 7.00 pm -
plus a talk from How Green Nursery, "Growing for the Chelsea Flower Show"
Tuesday 16th April
Colkins Mill Church 7.30 for 8.00
Mike Abel on "Pest & Disease Control in the Garden"
Saturday, 11th May
Annual Plant Sale - Memorial Hall car park
9.00 am to 11.00 am
Wednesday 12th June
Summer Outing. - Clinton Lodge Gardens
Saturday 20th July
Summer Show
Doors open at 2.30pm Scout Hall and Court Meadow
Tuesday 17th September
Colkins Mill Church, 7.30 for 8.00 pm
Talk by Brad Draga-Williams, Conservation Officer, Wadhurst Park "Putting Nature First"
Tuesday 15th October
Colkins Mill Church, 7.30 for 8.00 pm
Talk by Len Bernamont, Gardens & Outdoor Manager at Batemens & Bodiam.
"Kipling's influence & maintaining the gardens today"
Tuesday 19th November. - ZOOM
7.30 pm
Talk by Sally Morgan - " Creating & Maintaining a Healthy Vegetable Garden"
Friday 21st February - ZOOM
7.30 pm
Talk by Helen Picton - "Daisy Days - The Rise, Fall and Renaissance of the Daisy"
Tuesday 18th March
AGM. - Colkins Mill Church, 7.00 pm for 7.30 start.
Followed by a talk and demonstration from The Flower House "A Spring Display and advice on flowers to grow for displays"
Saturday, 1st February 2025
"Seedy Saturday"
Scout Hall, Court Meadow
10.00 to 12.30
Open to all
Hundreds of seeds
Refreshments available, seed sowing demonstrations and a Critter's Corner!