To renew or become a member please complete this form and send it with your subscription of £7.50 per member (cheques should be made payable to Mayfield Horticultural & Gardeners Association) to:
Louise Pitcher, 17 Bruce Manor Close, Mayfield Lane, Wadhurst TN5 6FH
or email to
and send an electronic payment to: Mayfield Horticultural & Gardeners Association, sort code: 20-88-13, Account no. 10685259, reference: “Membership” and your surname.
Membership runs from March to the following February.
I/We wish to renew membership/become member/members
…………………………………………….................................... Post Code………………………………..
Telephone number…………………………….......................
Email …………………………………………………………………………………………………...........................
By completing this application to join The Society, you are agreeing to The Society holding your contact details, provided by you, for as long as you are a member and then for one further year. Your details will only be used to keep you informed of your membership status, Society events and to distribute news. The Society will not disclose nor will it sell your personal details to any other organisation or person.
Please tick if you do not want to hear about Society events and news by email. ____
Benefits of Membership are:
Free entry to all talks
discounts of 10% can be obtained from:
On some purchases of Horticultural products from Heathfield Ironmongers
Excluding special offers and multibuys Thorpe Garden Centre, Horam weekdays only
Rapkyns Nursery, Scotsford Hill