Saturday, 20th July 2024
from 2.30 pm
Mayfield Scout & Guide Hall
Organised by
Mayfield Horticultural Society
Refreshements provided by
Friends of Mayfield Primary School
Website: www.mayfieldhorticulturalsociety.org.uk
Email: showcommittee@mayfieldhorticulturalsociety.org.uk
Chair/President: chair@mayfieldhorticulturalsociety.org.uk
Tresurer: treasurer@mayfieldhorticulturalsociety.org.uk
Membership: membership@mayfieldhorticulturalsociety.org.uk
7th July 4pm Deadline for ALL emailed photographs
20th July It’s Show Day!
9am -11am Entries to Scout & Guide Hall
From 11am Judging
2.30 pm Show opens
4.15 pm Presentations
4.30 pm Collect exhibits
Welcome to the 2024
Mayfield Show Schedule
What’s New?
As you will see, we are 0nce again squeezing into the Scout & Guide Hall, but we hope you will find a class (or more we hope!) that appeals to you. There are some new classes amongst the old favourites and, as we've noticed in recent shows, new people are winning cups & rosettes. There are two new cups to be won as well! There will also be the judging of the children's tallest sunflower competition, launched on Seedy Saturday back in February.
First though, a few important bits of information:
Each Show category is open to adults and children. Children's entries may be judged separately. It is free to enter. (Donations can be made on the day).
Anyone who has previously won a cup in Category 2 (Flowers & Flower Arrangements) cannot enter the "Novice" (class 25, 29 & 45).
Please take a moment to read the hints and tips as they are quite useful!
Click on the relevant button for your Entry forms:
Rosetta will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places and there will also be a smattering of highly commended rosettes and points awarded for the Banksian Medal classes and Presidents Bowl.
CATEGORY I – Vegetables and Fruit
You need to have grown it yourself to enter it!
1. PERPETUAL CHALLENGE CUP: (2023 winner Andrew Ratcliffe)
Collection of home-grown vegetables/salad, four kinds but only one variety of each vegetable (quantities as given for classes 2-14,16).Trays (60cmx50cm) available.
2. Four potatoes (one colour)
3. Four pods of peas
4. Four onions, either red or white (not mixed)
5. Three beetroots; keep roots on
6. Three carrots
7. Four French beans
8. Four broad bea
9. Three courgettes – one colour
10. Six shallots
11. One lettuce
12. Two cucumbers – one variety
13. Five tomatoes, calyx on – one variety
14. A plate of 3 leaves of kale, chard or spinach. (1, 2 or 3 varieties, your choice)
15. A vase of 4 different herbs (vase provided)
16. Any other vegetable not listed above, minimum 2
17. Three sticks of rhubarb (keep the bottom bit, but not the leaves)
18. Six strings of currants - one variety or mixed
19. Nine gooseberries
20. Nine raspberries
21. Nine any other soft fruit eg: strawberries or blueberries
And just for fun!
22. Tastiest tomato - please provide two
23. Pot (about 1 litre) of home made garden compost in a 1L container
The following two cups will also be awarded.
HULBERT-POWELL CUP (Best Vegetable Exhibit)
(2022 winner Nicky Cluny)
(2022 winner Tessa Crowe)
CATEGORY 2 – Flowers & Flower Arrangements
See 'How to Enter the Show' and 'Flower Arrangements 'for plant support ideas
24. PERPETUAL CHALLENGE CUP: (2023 winner Victoria Clarke)
One vase of mixed sweet peas, nine stems with own foliage
25. WOLSTENHOLME CUP: NOVICE ONLY (2023 winner Kate Burgess)
Vase of mixed garden flowers with foliage. No more than nine stems.
26. One vase of any one variety of annuals (six stalks)
27. One vase, any variety of herbaceous perennials, (six stalks)
28. Herbaceous perennial flowers, in three vases, three distinct kinds, no more than five of each
29. One stem or head of herbaceous perennial or annual flower NOVICE ONLY
30. THE MARGARET WALSH-ATKINS ROSE BOWL: (2023 winner Nicky Cluny)
One variety rose, three stems showing bud, half open and fully open stage in one vase
31. Vase of three sprays, rambler or climbing roses
32. Vase of three stems of Shrub, Old Garden or English (David Austin) roses
33. One rose to be judged on scent alone (OWN VASE)
34. Three stems of shrub in flower or berry – one variety or mixed
Vase of 3 dahlias, one variety or mixed
36. Vase of grasses, 6 stems, one variety or mixed
37. Vase of 6 stems of pansies or violas, one variety or mixed (OWN VASE)
38. Collection of fuchsias, nine individual flowers mixed or same colour, in trays which are supplied
39. One perfect, but lonely, single-headed flower (OWN VASE)
40. Three alliums (flower or seed heads), one variety or mixed
41. Display of cacti and/or succulents
42. One single house plant in flower or foliage
43. PERPETUAL CHALLENGE CUP: (2023 winer Jessica Wood)
'Celebrating Summer'
(arrangement approximately 18")
44. MONTEITH CUP: (2023 winner Madelyn Meredith)
“Quirky Display”
Flowers and foliage arranged in a quirky container
(arrangement approx. 18”).
45. “Small is Beautiful” NOVICE ONLY
A petite arrangement in a small, glass bowl
The following cups will also be awarded.
CATEGORY 3 – Kitchen Wizardry
Please bring your delicious goodies on your own plates and covered with clingfilm
The following cup will also be awarded.
(2023 Winner Barbara Norman)
46. Jar of jam
47. Jar of jelly
48. Jar of marmalade
49. Jar of chutney/pickle
50. Jar of lemon curd
51. Vegetable based cake such as carrot, courgette or beetroot
52. Tea loaf (1kg/2.2lb tin) (recipe below)
53. Six jam tarts, any one variety of jam
54. Three hens’ eggs, matching in size & colour
55. One bottle of homemade wine
56. One bottle of homemade beer
CATEGORY 4 – Arts & Crafts
(Adults & Children 14 & under)
The following cup will also be awarded.
ALLCHIN CUP (Best Adult Craft Exhibit)
(2023 winner Idske Hartley)
(Best child's 14 & under Craft Exhibit)
(2023 winner Robyn Yea)
(54). Any stitched item including patchwork or quilting
(55). A handmade greeting card
(56). Any knitted or crocheted item
57. Magnificent Miniature - any miniature crafted item
58. A stuffed toy - including "Sock Monsters"
59. Any other children's crafted item
60. Magnificent Miniature - any miniature crafted item
Either email your photograph by 4pm on Sunday 7th July for us to print (showcommittee@mayfieldhorticulturalsociety.org.uk) or bring your own printed entry to the hall on the Saturday.
We’ll need your full contact details written on the entry form click the link to print out the form.
No computer enhanced photos please.
The following cup will also be awarded.
(2023 winner Shirley Holland)
61. A photograph of something beginning with the letter I
62. Gardens through the Seasons. A picture taken in your garden or any garden which showcases a particular season (any season). If there are sufficient entries, we will split the entries into seasons.
63. "Bloomin' Marvellous" - your take on the expression!
Children 11 and under
Please put your child's age on the entry form.
Please be aware children’s contact details will be retained for one year.
Please read and complete the children’s entry form which requires your permission for them to enter and gives you the option to allow their name and photograph to be used in publicity by the Mayfield Horticultural Society or in the Village Newsletter.
If they are entering a photograph either email it to us by 4pm on Sunday 7th July for us to print (showcommittee@mayfieldhorticulturalsociety.org.uk) or bring their own printed entry to the hall on the Saturday.
We’ll need the child’s full contact details written on the entry form.
(2023 winner Rex Wood). A tied posy of flowers
Children aged 5-11 years, age to be taken into consideration.
65. Best picture – pre-school aged child
66. Best picture, age 4-7
67. An animal made of vegetables or fruit
68. PERPETUAL CHALLENGE CUP: (2023 winner Brodie Wood)
Miniature garden, in ANY container no bigger than 30cm.
Age will be taken into consideration.
69. A Lego challenge – let your imagination loose (no kits)!
70. WILLIAM WICKEN CUP: (2023 winner Rex Wood)
A vase of different wild grasses/flowers
Children aged 5-11 & age to be taken into consideration
71. Children's Sunflower Competition!
How to Enter
How to Enter the Show
To enter an exhibit
If you can complete an entry form (use links below) in advance and deliver it to either the MAYFACS office (London House), The Parish Council letterbox or The Post Office by 4 pm on Thursday 18th July that would be really helpful, although you can enter on the day as well.
Bring your treasured exhibits to the Scout Hall between 9am and 11am.
Paper plates will be provided for vegetables and fruit.
Vases will be provided for most flower categories, unless indicated. Only biodegradable oasis can be used (eg: Agra-Wool (Sideau) or Flora Oasis Bio-foam Brick) or other non-plastic support (eg chicken wire)
John Cluny
Shirley Holland
Sue Lancaster
Nicky Cluny
Sarah Ratcliffe

Onion and Carrot tip: cut off the green tops of onions o about 3cm and carrots about 7cm. Think about having this veg the same size
Top Tip: Uniformity more important than size.
Keep the stalks on, but you don't need leaves to display your fruit.
Flower Arrangements
Only biodegradable oasis can be used (eg: Agra-Wool (Sideau) or Flora Oasis Bio-foam Brick) or other non-plastic support (eg chicken wire) Bring the arrangements already made to the hall.
Jars about 12oz or over please, not sticky on the outside and definitely check to see there is no mould growth on the top! If you can provide your recipe for the cake, that would be great.
Steep raisins & sultanas in the tea for 12 hours.
Add beaten eggs, sieved flour, cherries, sugar, orange zest & beat well.
Pour mixture into a lined 1kg/2.2lb loaf tin and bake for 1-1¼ hours at 1800C/Gas Mark 4 until a skewer comes out clean. (Adjust temperature for your own oven!)
Turn out and brush the top with honey to glaze
Liability to the Public and/or exhibitors
The Society & its officers shall not be responsible to any persons whatsoever while in or upon the premises being used by the Society, or while entering or leaving the same, for any damage or loss however caused to the property or any such person or for any injury, fatal or otherwise to any person. Exhibitors, the public and all stock and people are subject to the rules and regulations or orders of the Society. Neither the society nor any of its officers shall be responsible for anything that may happen from any cause or circumstance whatsoever to exhibitors or any persons visiting or attending the show, or through or to any article exhibited at the show and it shall be considered a condition of entry or admission to the Halls that each person shall hold the Society blameless, and “that they shall indemnify the Society against any legal proceedings arising from any such case or circumstance.” E&OE
A Few More Important Bits
Only one entry per category per person.
Two people who share the same garden cannot enter the same
horticultural class. They can enter a separate class in the same category. This does not apply to children.
Cups can be engraved at recipient’s own cost.
Please don’t remove your exhibits until after the cup presentation.
Why not think about joining the Horticultural Society?
The Society welcomes new members. Click here for a membership form send or contact the Membership Secretary.
Non-members welcome at any talks (including those on Zoom) at a cost of £5.00 per head. Come and enjoy some stimulating talks during the fallow garden season, trips and use of the Society's RHS card allowing 2 adults 50% off entry to all RHS gardens.
Membership is now £7.50 per year and includes free entry to all talks plus other benefits including 10% discount from:
Rapkyns Nursery, Broad Oak
Heathfield Ironmongers (horticultural products)
Thorpe Garden Centre, Horam, Monday-Friday, excluding special offers and multibuys
Photographs from the 2023 show
Try to select even sized exhibits, with no pesky slug or snail damage.
Make sure your herbs are not in flower!
(Best Flower Exhibit)
(2023 winner (Tessa Crowe)
(Best Rose Exhibit)

Take a picture of the sunflower ideally next to the young gardener for height purposes, but not essential.
Email the photograph, together with the child's name and age and approximate height of sunflower (if possible) to showcommittee@mayfieldhorticulturalsociety.org.uk by Sunday 7th July. We will get the photographs printed for you.
Come along on Saturday 20th July to see
the results!
Thank you to Tim Morris, Tessa Crowe and Shirley Holland for the use of their photographs.