The Wonderful Mayfield Summer Show,
Saturday, 16th July 2022. From 2.30 pm.
The Summer Show Schedule will soon be displayed here.
You can pick up a free copy of the show programme from the Post Office, the Flower House or Truffles Bakery.
Don't forget to put the date in your diary.
Results from last years Summer Show
Held on Saturday 17th July 2021
Memorial Hall, Mayfield.
The 2021 cup winners were:
Banksian Medal: Shirley Holland
Perpetual Challenge Cup (Vegetables): Ken Audsley
Shelmerdine Cup (Garden Basket): Shirley Holland
Perpetual Challenge Cup (Fruit): Graham Holland
Perpetual Challenge Cup (Sweet Peas): Tessa Crowe
Hulbert-Powell Cup (Best vegetable exhibit): Ken.Audsley
Sneyd-Kinnersley Cup (Best flower exhibit): Sarah Ratcliffe
Margaret Walsh-Atkins Bowl (Roses): Sarah Ratcliffe
Wolstenholme Cup (Roses): Barbara Norman
Monteith Cup (Floral Art): Suzanne Bowe
Allchin Cup (Craft): Jennifer Redfern
Children’s Cup: Esme Cook
George Day Memorial Bowl (age 5-16): Arwen Huxtable
William Wickens Cup: Arwen Huxtable
Perpetual Challenge Cup (Children’s Miniature Garden): Rex Wood
The Mini saga, won by Amanda Robinson, will appear in the September magazine
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